Source code for deepdataspace.constants


The predefined global constants.

[docs]class RunningEnv: """ | The running environment of dds. | This is used to identify the deployment environment of dds. | It will be removed in the future as we are planning to decouple dds tool and dds app. """ Local = "local" #: DDS is running locally as a tool, started by ``dds`` CLI tools. Dev = "dev" #: DDS is running as a service in development environment. Test = "test" #: DDS is running as a service in test environment. Prod = "prod" #: DDS is running as a service in production environment. NonProdServers = {Local, Dev, Test} #: All non-production environments
[docs]class DatasetType: """ | The dataset file format types dds can handle. | DDS can import two kinds of dataset file formats with two built-in importer: #. :class:`deepdataspace.plugins.tsv.importer.TSVImporter` for idea's tsv format. #. :class:`deepdataspace.plugins.coco2017.importer.COCO2017Importer` for coco2017 format. | Datasets imported with Python API without knowing the format are identified as :attr:`Simple`. """ TSV = "tsv" #: Identifies datasets imported by :class:`deepdataspace.plugins.tsv.importer.TSVImporter`. COCO2017 = "coco2017" #: Identifies datasets imported by :class:`deepdataspace.plugins.coco2017.importer.COCO2017Importer`. Simple = "simple" #: Identifies datasets imported by Python API without knowing the format.
[docs]class DatasetStatus: """ The dataset status. """ Waiting = "waiting" #: Just found this dataset, waiting for importing. Importing = "importing" #: Importing dataset. Processing = "processing" #: Processing dataset by any instance of :class:`deepdataspace.process.processor.BaseProcessor`. Ready = "ready" #: Ready for use. Failed = "failed" #: Failed to import or process. NotImported_ = {Waiting, Importing} #: Datasets in these statuses are not imported. BatchProcessing_ = {Waiting, Importing, Processing} #: Datasets in these statuses are in batch processing state. DontRead_ = {Waiting, Importing, Processing, Failed} #: Datasets in these statuses are not ready for reading.
[docs]class LabelType: """ | The types of label set. | Objects in a dataset belongs to one of these label set types, which identifies their origin. """ GroundTruth = "GT" #: Objects are labeled by dataset owners as ground truth. Prediction = "Pred" #: Objects are labeled by some algorithm as prediction. User = "User" #: Objects are labeled by third-party users.
[docs]class LabelName: """ | The names of label set. | Label set can be named any way if they are of :attr:`LabelType.Prediction` type. | Otherwise, they must be named as one of these: """ GroundTruth = "GroundTruth" #: Name for label set of :attr:`LabelType.GroundTruth` type. UserAnnotation = "UserAnnotation" #: Name for label set of :attr:`LabelType.User` type.
[docs]class LabelCompareResult: """ The result of comparing predicted objects with groundtruth objects. """ OK = "OK" #: The prediction matches a groundtruth. FalsePositive = "FP" #: The prediction matches no groundtruth, False-Positive. FalseNegative = "FN" #: The groundtruth is not matched by any prediction, False-Negative.
[docs]class AnnotationType: """ The type of annotation/object. """ Classification = "Classification" #: The annotation classifies the object. Detection = "Detection" #: The annotation detects the object position. Segmentation = "Segmentation" #: The annotation segments the object. Matting = "Matting" #: The annotation matting the object. KeyPoints = "KeyPoints" #: The annotation marks the keypoints of the object.
[docs]class TaskStatus: """ The status of tasks send to celery for execution. """ Waiting = "waiting" #: Celery is waiting for this task. Running = "running" #: Celery is running this task. Success = "success" #: Celery has finished this task successfully. Fail = "fail" #: Celery has finished this task with failure.
[docs]class TaskName: """ All tasks exposed in HTTP API. """ ReRankByFlags = "rerank_by_flags" """ | Rerank the dataset by flags. | Exposed by API :class:`deepdataspace.plugins.tsv.server.ReRankImagesByFlagsTasksView`. """
[docs]class KeyPointsType: """ The type of keypoints. """ COCO = "COCO" #: The format of coco keypoints, which only contains 17 keypoints and for person only.
[docs]class KeyPointName: """ The name of every keypoint. """ COCO = [ "nose", "left_eye", "right_eye", "left_ear", "right_ear", "left_shoulder", "right_shoulder", "left_elbow", "right_elbow", "left_wrist", "right_wrist", "left_hip", "right_hip", "left_knee", "right_knee", "left_ankle", "right_ankle", ] #: The name of every keypoint in coco format.
[docs]class KeyPointColor: """ The color of every keypoint. """ COCO = [ 128, 0, 0, 255, 178, 102, 230, 230, 0, 255, 51, 255, 153, 204, 255, 255, 128, 0, 0, 255, 255, 128, 0, 255, 51, 153, 255, 169, 165, 139, 255, 0, 0, 102, 255, 102, 184, 97, 134, 128, 128, 0, 255, 190, 255, 0, 128, 0, 0, 0, 255, ] #: The color of every keypoint in coco format.
[docs]class KeyPointSkeleton: """ | The skeleton of every keypoint. | This is a list of pairs of keypoint indices. """ COCO = [ 15, 13, 13, 11, 16, 14, 14, 12, 11, 12, 5, 11, 6, 12, 5, 6, 5, 7, 6, 8, 7, 9, 8, 10, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2, 4, 3, 5, 4, 6 ] #: The lines of skeleton of coco format.
[docs]class UserStatus: """ The status of user. """ InActive = "inactive" #: The user is inactive, which means the user is logged out and cannot login. Active = "active" #: The user is active
[docs]class FileReadMode: """ The mode of reading file, text or binary. """ Text = "t" Binary = "b" ALL_ = {Text, Binary}
[docs]class ContentEncoding: """ | The encoding of file content. | Only used when the file is read as text. """ Plain = "1" #: plain, treat the content as what it is Base64 = "2" #: base64, treat the content as a base64 encoded string ALL_ = {Plain, Base64}
[docs]class DatasetFileType: """ Dataset related file types. """ GroundTruth = LabelName.GroundTruth Prediction = "Pred" Embedding = "Embedding" Meta = "Meta"
[docs]class LabelProjectStatus: """ The status of label project. """ Waiting = "waiting" #: New project waiting for initializing. Initializing = "initializing" #: Manager is initializing the project. Working = "working" #: A manager is working on the label project. Reviewing = "reviewing" #: Manager has finished the label project, waiting for owner to review. Rejected = "rejected" #: Owner rejected the project. Accepted = "accepted" #: Owner accepted the project. Exported = "exported" #: Owner has exported the project back to datasets.
[docs]class LabelProjectRoles: """ | The roles of label project. | Roles are NOT designed in hierarchy structure, each role is independent and is responsible for a specific job. | Every user can have multiple roles in a project. """ Owner = "owner" #: Owner is the one created the project and want for the label result. Manager = "manager" #: Manager is the one who is responsible for the operation of label project. LabelLeader = "label_leader" #: Label leader is the one who leads the labelers to label the dataset. ReviewLeader = "review_leader" #: Review leader is the one who leads the reviewers to review the label result. Labeler = "labeler" #: Labeler is the one who labels the dataset. Reviewer = "reviewer" #: Reviewer is the one who reviews the label result. GTLeaders_ = {Owner, Manager} #: Roles above leaders. GTELeaders_ = {Owner, Manager, LabelLeader, ReviewLeader} #: Roles above or equal to leaders. TaskBondedRoles_ = {LabelLeader, Labeler, ReviewLeader, Reviewer} #: Roles that are task level. Leaders_ = {LabelLeader, ReviewLeader} #: Roles that are leaders. Workers_ = {Labeler, Reviewer} #: Roles that are workers. ReviewKinds_ = {Reviewer, ReviewLeader} #: Roles that take part in the reviewing process. Levels_ = { Owner : 0, Manager : 1, LabelLeader : 2, ReviewLeader: 3, Labeler : 4, Reviewer : 5 } #: The level of every role, smaller number means higher level.
[docs]class LabelTaskStatus: Waiting = "waiting" #: the task is waiting for manager to assign leaders Working = "working" #: leaders are working on the task Reviewing = "reviewing" #: the task is completed, waiting for qa Rejected = "rejected" #: the task is rejected by manager in qa Accepted = "accepted" #: the task is accepted by manager in qa ALL_ = {Waiting, Working, Reviewing, Rejected, Accepted}
[docs]class LabelTaskImageStatus: Labeling = "labeling" #: waiting for labeler to label, or rejected and wait for labeler to re-label Reviewing = "reviewing" #: labeled by labeler, waiting for reviewer to review Rejected = "rejected" #: rejected by reviewer Accepted = "accepted" #: accepted by reviewer ALL_ = {Labeling, Reviewing, Rejected, Accepted} WaitForLabeling_ = {Labeling, Rejected}
[docs]class LabelTaskLabelStatus: Reviewing = "reviewing" #: labeled by labeler, waiting for reviewer to review Rejected = "rejected" #: rejected by reviewer Accepted = "accepted" #: accepted by reviewer ALL_ = {Reviewing, Rejected, Accepted}
[docs]class LabelTaskQAActions: Accept = "accept" Reject = "reject" ForceAccept = "force_accept" ALL_ = {Accept, Reject, ForceAccept}
[docs]class LabelProjectQAActions: Accept = "accept" Reject = "reject" ALL_ = {Accept, Reject}
[docs]class LabelImageQAActions: Accept = "accept" Reject = "reject" ALL_ = {Accept, Reject}
[docs]class RedisKey: DatasetImageDirs = "DatasetImageDirs" #: A redis set storing the directories of all imported dataset images.
[docs]class ErrCode: # 200 family OK = 0 #: OK. OKMsg = "success" # For label project PartialSuccessBatchAssignLeaders = 200001 #: Batch assign leaders partially success. PartialSuccessBatchAssignLeadersMsg = "Batch assign leaders partially success." PartialSuccessBatchAssignWorkers = 200002 #: Batch assign workers partially success. PartialSuccessBatchAssignWorkersMsg = "Batch assign workers partially success." # 400 family BadRequest = 400000 #: Bad request. BadRequestMsg = "Bad request." ParameterMissing = 400001 #: Parameter missing. ParameterMissingMsg = "Parameter missing." ParameterIsInvalid = 400002 #: Parameter is invalid. ParameterIsInvalidMsg = "Parameter is invalid." # 400 family for annotation, range [400050, 400099] AnnotationNotListOfObj = 400050 #: Annotation must be a list of object. AnnotationNotListOfObjMsg = "Annotation must be a list of object." AnnotationMissingCatName = 400051 #: Annotation object missing category_name. AnnotationMissingCatNameMsg = "Annotation object missing category name." AnnotationMissingBBox = 400052 #: Annotation object missing bounding box. AnnotationMissingBBoxMsg = "Annotation object missing bounding box." AnnotationBBoxFormatError = 400053 #: Annotation object bounding box format error. AnnotationBBoxFormatErrorMsg = "Annotation object bounding box format error." AnnotationFormatError = 400054 #: Annotation object format error. AnnotationFormatErrorMsg = "Annotation object format error." # 400 family for flag, range [400100, 400149] FlagGroupsNotListOfObj = 400100 #: flag_groups must be a list of object. FlagGroupsNotListOfObjMsg = "flag_groups must be a list of object." FlagObjectMissingFlag = 400101 #: flag object missing flag. FlagObjectMissingFlagMsg = "flag object missing flag." FlagObjectFlagValueInvalid = 400102 #: flag object flag value invalid. FlagObjectFlagValueInvalidMsg = "flag object flag value invalid, must be one of [0, 1, 2]." FlagObjectMissingIDs = 400103 #: flag object missing ids. FlagObjectMissingIDsMsg = "flag object missing ids." FlagObjectIDsNotList = 400104 #: flag object ids must be a list. FlagObjectIDsNotListMsg = "flag object ids must be a list." # 400 family for label set, range [400150, 400199] LabelSetNameInvalid = 400150 #: label set name can't be GroundTruth and UserAnnotation. LabelSetNameInvalidMsg = "label set name can't be GroundTruth and UserAnnotation." LabelSetNameConflicts = 400151 #: target label set name is already taken. LabelSetNameConflictsMsg = "target label set name is already taken." # 400 family for label project, range [400200, 400249] UserNotFoundForLabelProject = 400200 #: user not found for label project. UserNotFoundForLabelProjectMsg = "user not found for label project." UserNotActiveForLabelProject = 400201 #: user not active for label project. UserNotActiveForLabelProjectMsg = "user not active for label project." DatasetNotFoundForLabelProject = 400202 #: dataset not found for label project. DatasetNotFoundForLabelProjectMsg = "dataset not found for label project." LabelTaskNotFoundForLabelProject = 400203 #: label task not found for label project. LabelTaskNotFoundForLabelProjectMsg = "label task not found for label project." CreateLabelProjectRequireManager = 400204 #: managers can't be empty when creating label project. CreateLabelProjectRequireManagerMsg = "managers can't be empty when creating label project." CreateLabelProjectRequireDataset = 400205 #: datasets can't be empty when creating label project. CreateLabelProjectRequireDatasetMsg = "datasets can't be empty when creating label project." CreateLabelProjectRequireCategory = 400206 #: categories can't be empty when creating label project. CreateLabelProjectRequireCategoryMsg = "categories can't be empty when creating label project." CreateLabelProjectDatasetOccupied = 400207 #: dataset is occupied by other label project. CreateLabelProjectDatasetOccupiedMsg = "dataset is occupied by other label project." EditLabelProjectRequireManager = 400208 #: managers can't be empty when editing label project. EditLabelProjectRequireManagerMsg = "managers can't be empty when editing label project." InitLabelProjectMustBeWaiting = 400209 #: label project must be in status of waiting for init. InitLabelProjectMustBeWaitingMsg = "label project must be in status of waiting for init." InitLabelProjectTaskConfigError = 400210 #: batch_size, label_times, review_times must be set at the same time. InitLabelProjectTaskConfigErrorMsg = "batch_size, label_times, review_times must be set at the same time." QALabelProjectActionError = 400211 #: qa action error, must be 'accept' or 'reject'. QALabelProjectActionErrorMsg = "qa action error, must be 'accept' or 'reject'." QALabelProjectMustBeReviewing = 400212 #: label project must be in status of reviewing. QALabelProjectMustBeReviewingMsg = "label project must be in status of reviewing." ExportLabelProjectMustBeAccepted = 400213 #: label project must be in status of accepted. ExportLabelProjectMustBeAcceptedMsg = "label project must be in status of accepted." LeaderIDIsRequired = 400214 #: leader_id is required. LeaderIDIsRequiredMsg = "labeler_leader_id and reviewer_leader_id can not be empty at the same time." LabelerIDIsRequired = 400215 #: labeler_id is required. LabelerIDIsRequiredMsg = "labeler_ids and reviewer_ids can not be empty at the same time." LabelProjectRoleIsNotTaskLevel = 400216 #: label project role is not task level, so it cannot be bounded to a task. LabelProjectRoleIsNotTaskLevelMsg = "label project role is not task level, so it cannot be bounded to a task." CantReplaceRoleWithTheSameUser = 400217 #: can't replace role with the same user. CantReplaceRoleWithTheSameUserMsg = "can't replace role with the same user." OldUserDoesNotHaveTheTaskRole = 400218 #: old user does not have the task role to be replaced. OldUserDoesNotHaveTheTaskRoleMsg = "old user does not have the task role to be replaced." NewUserAlreadyHaveTheTaskRole = 400219 #: new user already have the task role. NewUserAlreadyHaveTheTaskRoleMsg = "new user already have the task role." CantTransferRoleBetweenDifferentTask = 400220 #: can't transfer role between different task. CantTransferRoleBetweenDifferentTaskMsg = "can't transfer role between different task." CantTransferRoleToDifferentKind = 400221 #: can't transfer role to different kind. CantTransferRoleToDifferentKindMsg = "can't transfer role to different kind." RestartLabelTaskMustBeRejected = 400222 #: label task must be in status of rejected. RestartLabelTaskMustBeRejectedMsg = "label task must be in status of rejected." QALabelTaskActionError = 400223 #: qa action error, must be 'accept', 'reject' or 'force_accept'. QALabelTaskActionErrorMsg = "qa action error, must be 'accept', 'reject' or 'force_accept'." AcceptLabelTaskMustBeReviewing = 400224 #: label task must be in status of reviewing. AcceptLabelTaskMustBeReviewingMsg = "label task must be in status of reviewing." RejectLabelTaskMustBeReviewing = 400225 #: label task must be in status of reviewing. RejectLabelTaskMustBeReviewingMsg = "label task must be in status of reviewing." ForceAcceptLabelTaskMustBeRejected = 400226 #: label task must be in status of rejected. ForceAcceptLabelTaskMustBeRejectedMsg = "label task must be in status of rejected." LabelAnnotationMissingFields = 400227 #: label annotation missing fields. LabelAnnotationMissingFieldsMsg = "label annotation missing fields." LabelAnnotationFieldValueInvalid = 400228 #: label annotation field value invalid. LabelAnnotationFieldValueInvalidMsg = "label annotation field value invalid." LabelImageRequireTaskStatusWorking = 400229 #: label image require task status be working. LabelImageRequireTaskStatusWorkingMsg = "label image require task status be working." LabelImageRequireUnfinishedReviewing = 400230 #: label image require unfinished reviewing. LabelImageRequireUnfinishedReviewingMsg = "label image require unfinished reviewing." ReviewImageRequireTaskStatusWorking = 400231 #: review image require task status be working. ReviewImageRequireTaskStatusWorkingMsg = "review image require task status be working." ReviewImageRequireFinishedLabeling = 400232 #: review image require finished labeling. ReviewImageRequireFinishedLabelingMsg = "review image require finished labeling." ReviewImageTargetLabelNotFound = 400233 #: review image target label not found. ReviewImageTargetLabelNotFoundMsg = "review image target label not found." ReviewImageFoundExistedReview = 400234 #: image has already been reviewed. ReviewImageFoundExistedReviewMsg = "image has already been reviewed." CantDeleteAllOwnersOfLabelProject = 400235 #: can't delete all owners of label project. CantDeleteAllOwnersOfLabelProjectMsg = "can't delete all owners of label project." NumOfTaskLeaderMismatchesConfig = 400236 #: num of task leader mismatches config. NumOfTaskLeaderMismatchesConfigMsg = "num of task leader mismatches config." TaskDoesNotRequireReviewer = 400237 #: task does not require reviewer. TaskDoesNotRequireReviewerMsg = "task does not require reviewer." NumOfTaskLabelerMismatchesConfig = 400238 #: num of task labeler mismatches config. NumOfTaskLabelerMismatchesConfigMsg = "num of task labeler mismatches config." NumOfTaskReviewerMismatchesConfig = 400239 #: num of task reviewer mismatches config. NumOfTaskReviewerMismatchesConfigMsg = "num of task reviewer mismatches config." TryInitRoleForTaskWithActiveRoles = 400240 #: try init role for task with active roles. TryInitRoleForTaskWithActiveRolesMsg = "can't init roles for task with active roles." TaskRoleNotOfLeaderKind = 400241 #: task role not of leader kind. TaskRoleNotOfLeaderKindMsg = "task role not of leader kind." # 401 family Unauthorized = 401000 #: Unauthorized. UnauthorizedMsg = "Unauthorized." # 403 family Forbidden = 403000 #: Forbidden. ForbiddenMsg = "Forbidden." # 403 family for user, range [403050, 403099] UserAuthenticationFailed = 403050 #: User authentication failed. UserAuthenticationFailedMsg = "User authentication failed." UserCantViewLabelProjectTask = 403051 #: User can't view label project. UserCantViewLabelProjectTaskMsg = "User can't view label project." UserCantViewLabelProjectRole = 403052 #: User can't view label project role. UserCantViewLabelProjectRoleMsg = "User can't view label project role." UserCantCreateLabelProject = 403053 #: User can't create label project. UserCantCreateLabelProjectMsg = "User can't create label project." UserCantViewLabelProject = 403054 #: User can't view label project. UserCantViewLabelProjectMsg = "User can't view label project." UserCantEditLabelProject = 403055 #: User can't edit label project. UserCantEditLabelProjectMsg = "User can't edit label project." UserCantInitLabelProject = 403056 #: User can't init label project. UserCantInitLabelProjectMsg = "User can't init label project." UserCantQALabelProject = 403057 #: User can't QA label project. UserCantQALabelProjectMsg = "User can't QA label project." UserCantExportLabelProject = 403058 #: User can't export label project. UserCantExportLabelProjectMsg = "User can't export label project." UserCantAssignLabelTaskLeader = 403059 #: User can't assign label task leader. UserCantAssignLabelTaskLeaderMsg = "User can't assign label task leader." UserCantAssignLabelTaskWorker = 403060 #: User can't assign label task worker. UserCantAssignLabelTaskWorkerMsg = "User can't assign label task worker." UserCantRestartLabelTask = 403061 #: User can't restart label task. UserCantRestartLabelTaskMsg = "User can't restart label task." UserCantQALabelTask = 403062 #: User can't QA label task. UserCantQALabelTaskMsg = "User can't QA label task." UserCantLabelTaskImage = 403063 #: User can't label task image. UserCantLabelTaskImageMsg = "User can't label task image." UserCantReviewTaskImage = 403064 #: User can't review task image. UserCantReviewTaskImageMsg = "User can't review task image." # 404 family NotFound = 404000 #: Not found. NotFoundMsg = "Not found." # 404 family for dataset, range [404050, 404099] DatasetNotFound = 404050 #: Dataset not found. DatasetNotFoundMsg = "Dataset not found." DatasetNotReadable = 404051 #: Dataset not readable. DatasetNotReadableMsg = "Dataset not readable." DatasetMissingEmbdFile = 404052 #: Dataset missing embedding file for re-ranking task. DatasetMissingEmbdFileMsg = "Dataset missing embedding file." DatasetImageNotFound = 404053 #: Dataset image not found. DatasetImageNotFoundMsg = "Dataset image not found." DatasetHasNoFNFPData = 404054 #: Dataset has no FN/FP data. DatasetHasNoFNFPDataMsg = "Dataset has no FN/FP data." DatasetLabelNotFound = 404055 #: Dataset label not found. DatasetLabelNotFoundMsg = "Dataset label not found." DatasetFNFPPrecisionNotFound = 404056 #: Dataset FN/FP precision not found. DatasetFNFPPrecisionNotFoundMsg = "Dataset FN/FP precision not found." DatasetSubsetNotFound = "Dataset subset not found." DatasetSubsetNotFoundMsg = "Dataset subset not found." # 404 family for task, range [404100, 404149] ReRankByFlagTaskNotFound = 404100 #: Task not found. # 404 family for label project, range [404150, 404199] LabelProjectNotFound = 404150 #: Label project not found. LabelProjectNotFoundMsg = "Label project not found." LabelProjectRoleNotFound = 404151 #: Label project role not found. LabelProjectRoleNotFoundMsg = "Label project role not found." LabelProjectTaskNotFound = 404152 #: Label project task not found. LabelProjectTaskNotFoundMsg = "Label project task not found." LabelTaskImageNotFound = 404153 #: Label task image not found. LabelTaskImageNotFoundMsg = "Label task image not found." # 500 family InternalError = 500000 #: Internal error. InternalErrorMsg = "Internal error." FailedToCloneLabelSet = 500001 #: Failed to clone label set. FailedToCloneLabelSetMsg = "Failed to clone label set."