This module defines common interface and implementations of processing a dataset.
This module defines the processor for calculating false negative and false positive analytics for dataset.
- class FNFPCalculator(dataset_path: str, enforce: bool = False)[source]
This processor calculates false negative and false positive analytics for dataset.
- classmethod should_auto_run() bool [source]
This processor should run automatically on program start-up.
- static calculate_detection_result(dataset_id: str, label_id: str, thresholds: List[Dict])[source]
For given label set, calculate fn/fp analytics for each image with given precision thresholds.
- task_func = <@task: FNFPCalculator of dds>
The common interface of processing a dataset.
- class ProcessorMeta(name, bases, attrs)[source]
Metaclass of a process class. This metaclass will: - register all process classes - resolve the dependency links between them - register the task function of each process class
- processors = [<class 'deepdataspace.process.calculate_fnfp.FNFPCalculator'>, <class 'deepdataspace.plugins.tsv.process.RankByFlags'>]
- name2class = {'FNFPCalculator': <class 'deepdataspace.process.calculate_fnfp.FNFPCalculator'>, 'RankByFlags': <class 'deepdataspace.plugins.tsv.process.RankByFlags'>}
- static register_class(name: str, cls: ProcessorMeta)[source]
Find all processor classes, and order them by dependency links. The depended processor will be prior to all depending processors.
- class BaseProcessor(dataset_path: str, enforce: bool = False)[source]
The common interface for processing a dataset. Any subclass should implement all abstract methods.
Processors may be executed asynchronously by celery. To do so, the processor class should implement the register_task_func function, which returns a celery task.
- task_func = None
- abstract classmethod dependencies() List[str] [source]
What processors this processor is depending on.
- abstract classmethod should_auto_run() bool [source]
Should this processor automatically run at program start?
- property dataset
- property is_processed: bool
Check if the dataset is processed before.
- property should_process
Check if the process task should be run.
- process_dataset()[source]
Process a subset of this dataset. Derived class should implement this interface accordingly.
- run() Union[None, Dict[str, Any]] [source]
The function invokes the whole processing procedures. This stars the processing of dataset directly in current thread. If you want to process the dataset asynchronously, use run_async instead.
- static on_async_start(task)[source]
This function is called before the processor is executed by celery.
- Parameters:
task – celery task instance.
- static on_async_success(task, retval, task_id, args, kwarg)[source]
This function is called if the processor is executed by celery successfully.
- Parameters:
task – celery task instance.
- static on_async_fail(task, exc, task_id, args, kwargs, einfo)[source]
This function is called if the processor is failed to be executed by celery.
- Parameters:
task – celery task instance.
- process_dataset(dataset_dir: str, enforce: bool = False, auto_triggered=False)[source]
Process the dataset with all registered Processors.
- Parameters:
dataset_dir – the dataset dir to be processed.
enforce – enforce the import task, even though the dataset is processed before.
auto_triggered – is this function called automatically on program start up?