

The predefined global constants.

class RunningEnv[source]

Bases: object

The running environment of dds.
This is used to identify the deployment environment of dds.
It will be removed in the future as we are planning to decouple dds tool and dds app.
Local = 'local'

DDS is running locally as a tool, started by dds CLI tools.

Dev = 'dev'

DDS is running as a service in development environment.

Test = 'test'

DDS is running as a service in test environment.

Prod = 'prod'

DDS is running as a service in production environment.

NonProdServers = {'dev', 'local', 'test'}

All non-production environments

class DatasetType[source]

Bases: object

The dataset file format types dds can handle.
DDS can import two kinds of dataset file formats with two built-in importer:
  1. deepdataspace.plugins.tsv.importer.TSVImporter for idea’s tsv format.

  2. deepdataspace.plugins.coco2017.importer.COCO2017Importer for coco2017 format.

Datasets imported with Python API without knowing the format are identified as Simple.
TSV = 'tsv'

Identifies datasets imported by deepdataspace.plugins.tsv.importer.TSVImporter.

COCO2017 = 'coco2017'

Identifies datasets imported by deepdataspace.plugins.coco2017.importer.COCO2017Importer.

Simple = 'simple'

Identifies datasets imported by Python API without knowing the format.

class DatasetStatus[source]

Bases: object

The dataset status.

Waiting = 'waiting'

Just found this dataset, waiting for importing.

Importing = 'importing'

Importing dataset.

Processing = 'processing'

Processing dataset by any instance of deepdataspace.process.processor.BaseProcessor.

Ready = 'ready'

Ready for use.

Failed = 'failed'

Failed to import or process.

NotImported_ = {'importing', 'waiting'}

Datasets in these statuses are not imported.

BatchProcessing_ = {'importing', 'processing', 'waiting'}

Datasets in these statuses are in batch processing state.

DontRead_ = {'failed', 'importing', 'processing', 'waiting'}

Datasets in these statuses are not ready for reading.

class LabelType[source]

Bases: object

The types of label set.
Objects in a dataset belongs to one of these label set types, which identifies their origin.
GroundTruth = 'GT'

Objects are labeled by dataset owners as ground truth.

Prediction = 'Pred'

Objects are labeled by some algorithm as prediction.

User = 'User'

Objects are labeled by third-party users.

class LabelName[source]

Bases: object

The names of label set.
Label set can be named any way if they are of LabelType.Prediction type.
Otherwise, they must be named as one of these:
GroundTruth = 'GroundTruth'

Name for label set of LabelType.GroundTruth type.

UserAnnotation = 'UserAnnotation'

Name for label set of LabelType.User type.

class LabelCompareResult[source]

Bases: object

The result of comparing predicted objects with groundtruth objects.

OK = 'OK'

The prediction matches a groundtruth.

FalsePositive = 'FP'

The prediction matches no groundtruth, False-Positive.

FalseNegative = 'FN'

The groundtruth is not matched by any prediction, False-Negative.

class AnnotationType[source]

Bases: object

The type of annotation/object.

Classification = 'Classification'

The annotation classifies the object.

Detection = 'Detection'

The annotation detects the object position.

Segmentation = 'Segmentation'

The annotation segments the object.

Matting = 'Matting'

The annotation matting the object.

KeyPoints = 'KeyPoints'

The annotation marks the keypoints of the object.

class TaskStatus[source]

Bases: object

The status of tasks send to celery for execution.

Waiting = 'waiting'

Celery is waiting for this task.

Running = 'running'

Celery is running this task.

Success = 'success'

Celery has finished this task successfully.

Fail = 'fail'

Celery has finished this task with failure.

class TaskName[source]

Bases: object

All tasks exposed in HTTP API.

ReRankByFlags = 'rerank_by_flags'
Rerank the dataset by flags.
Exposed by API deepdataspace.plugins.tsv.server.ReRankImagesByFlagsTasksView.
class KeyPointsType[source]

Bases: object

The type of keypoints.


The format of coco keypoints, which only contains 17 keypoints and for person only.

class KeyPointName[source]

Bases: object

The name of every keypoint.

COCO = ['nose', 'left_eye', 'right_eye', 'left_ear', 'right_ear', 'left_shoulder', 'right_shoulder', 'left_elbow', 'right_elbow', 'left_wrist', 'right_wrist', 'left_hip', 'right_hip', 'left_knee', 'right_knee', 'left_ankle', 'right_ankle']

The name of every keypoint in coco format.

class KeyPointColor[source]

Bases: object

The color of every keypoint.

COCO = [128, 0, 0, 255, 178, 102, 230, 230, 0, 255, 51, 255, 153, 204, 255, 255, 128, 0, 0, 255, 255, 128, 0, 255, 51, 153, 255, 169, 165, 139, 255, 0, 0, 102, 255, 102, 184, 97, 134, 128, 128, 0, 255, 190, 255, 0, 128, 0, 0, 0, 255]

The color of every keypoint in coco format.

class KeyPointSkeleton[source]

Bases: object

The skeleton of every keypoint.
This is a list of pairs of keypoint indices.
COCO = [15, 13, 13, 11, 16, 14, 14, 12, 11, 12, 5, 11, 6, 12, 5, 6, 5, 7, 6, 8, 7, 9, 8, 10, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2, 4, 3, 5, 4, 6]

The lines of skeleton of coco format.

class UserStatus[source]

Bases: object

The status of user.

InActive = 'inactive'

The user is inactive, which means the user is logged out and cannot login.

Active = 'active'

The user is active

class FileReadMode[source]

Bases: object

The mode of reading file, text or binary.

Text = 't'
Binary = 'b'
ALL_ = {'b', 't'}
class ContentEncoding[source]

Bases: object

The encoding of file content.
Only used when the file is read as text.
Plain = '1'

plain, treat the content as what it is

Base64 = '2'

base64, treat the content as a base64 encoded string

ALL_ = {'1', '2'}
class DatasetFileType[source]

Bases: object

Dataset related file types.

GroundTruth = 'GroundTruth'
Prediction = 'Pred'
Embedding = 'Embedding'
Meta = 'Meta'
class LabelProjectStatus[source]

Bases: object

The status of label project.

Waiting = 'waiting'

New project waiting for initializing.

Initializing = 'initializing'

Manager is initializing the project.

Working = 'working'

A manager is working on the label project.

Reviewing = 'reviewing'

Manager has finished the label project, waiting for owner to review.

Rejected = 'rejected'

Owner rejected the project.

Accepted = 'accepted'

Owner accepted the project.

Exported = 'exported'

Owner has exported the project back to datasets.

class LabelProjectRoles[source]

Bases: object

The roles of label project.
Roles are NOT designed in hierarchy structure, each role is independent and is responsible for a specific job.
Every user can have multiple roles in a project.
Owner = 'owner'

Owner is the one created the project and want for the label result.

Manager = 'manager'

Manager is the one who is responsible for the operation of label project.

LabelLeader = 'label_leader'

Label leader is the one who leads the labelers to label the dataset.

ReviewLeader = 'review_leader'

Review leader is the one who leads the reviewers to review the label result.

Labeler = 'labeler'

Labeler is the one who labels the dataset.

Reviewer = 'reviewer'

Reviewer is the one who reviews the label result.

GTLeaders_ = {'manager', 'owner'}

Roles above leaders.

GTELeaders_ = {'label_leader', 'manager', 'owner', 'review_leader'}

Roles above or equal to leaders.

TaskBondedRoles_ = {'label_leader', 'labeler', 'review_leader', 'reviewer'}

Roles that are task level.

Leaders_ = {'label_leader', 'review_leader'}

Roles that are leaders.

Workers_ = {'labeler', 'reviewer'}

Roles that are workers.

ReviewKinds_ = {'review_leader', 'reviewer'}

Roles that take part in the reviewing process.

Levels_ = {'label_leader': 2, 'labeler': 4, 'manager': 1, 'owner': 0, 'review_leader': 3, 'reviewer': 5}

The level of every role, smaller number means higher level.

class LabelTaskStatus[source]

Bases: object

Waiting = 'waiting'

the task is waiting for manager to assign leaders

Working = 'working'

leaders are working on the task

Reviewing = 'reviewing'

the task is completed, waiting for qa

Rejected = 'rejected'

the task is rejected by manager in qa

Accepted = 'accepted'

the task is accepted by manager in qa

ALL_ = {'accepted', 'rejected', 'reviewing', 'waiting', 'working'}
class LabelTaskImageStatus[source]

Bases: object

Labeling = 'labeling'

waiting for labeler to label, or rejected and wait for labeler to re-label

Reviewing = 'reviewing'

labeled by labeler, waiting for reviewer to review

Rejected = 'rejected'

rejected by reviewer

Accepted = 'accepted'

accepted by reviewer

ALL_ = {'accepted', 'labeling', 'rejected', 'reviewing'}
WaitForLabeling_ = {'labeling', 'rejected'}
class LabelTaskLabelStatus[source]

Bases: object

Reviewing = 'reviewing'

labeled by labeler, waiting for reviewer to review

Rejected = 'rejected'

rejected by reviewer

Accepted = 'accepted'

accepted by reviewer

ALL_ = {'accepted', 'rejected', 'reviewing'}
class LabelTaskQAActions[source]

Bases: object

Accept = 'accept'
Reject = 'reject'
ForceAccept = 'force_accept'
ALL_ = {'accept', 'force_accept', 'reject'}
class LabelProjectQAActions[source]

Bases: object

Accept = 'accept'
Reject = 'reject'
ALL_ = {'accept', 'reject'}
class LabelImageQAActions[source]

Bases: object

Accept = 'accept'
Reject = 'reject'
ALL_ = {'accept', 'reject'}
class RedisKey[source]

Bases: object

DatasetImageDirs = 'DatasetImageDirs'

A redis set storing the directories of all imported dataset images.

class ErrCode[source]

Bases: object

OK = 0


OKMsg = 'success'
PartialSuccessBatchAssignLeaders = 200001

Batch assign leaders partially success.

PartialSuccessBatchAssignLeadersMsg = 'Batch assign leaders partially success.'
PartialSuccessBatchAssignWorkers = 200002

Batch assign workers partially success.

PartialSuccessBatchAssignWorkersMsg = 'Batch assign workers partially success.'
BadRequest = 400000

Bad request.

BadRequestMsg = 'Bad request.'
ParameterMissing = 400001

Parameter missing.

ParameterMissingMsg = 'Parameter missing.'
ParameterIsInvalid = 400002

Parameter is invalid.

ParameterIsInvalidMsg = 'Parameter is invalid.'
AnnotationNotListOfObj = 400050

Annotation must be a list of object.

AnnotationNotListOfObjMsg = 'Annotation must be a list of object.'
AnnotationMissingCatName = 400051

Annotation object missing category_name.

AnnotationMissingCatNameMsg = 'Annotation object missing category name.'
AnnotationMissingBBox = 400052

Annotation object missing bounding box.

AnnotationMissingBBoxMsg = 'Annotation object missing bounding box.'
AnnotationBBoxFormatError = 400053

Annotation object bounding box format error.

AnnotationBBoxFormatErrorMsg = 'Annotation object bounding box format error.'
AnnotationFormatError = 400054

Annotation object format error.

AnnotationFormatErrorMsg = 'Annotation object format error.'
FlagGroupsNotListOfObj = 400100

flag_groups must be a list of object.

FlagGroupsNotListOfObjMsg = 'flag_groups must be a list of object.'
FlagObjectMissingFlag = 400101

flag object missing flag.

FlagObjectMissingFlagMsg = 'flag object missing flag.'
FlagObjectFlagValueInvalid = 400102

flag object flag value invalid.

FlagObjectFlagValueInvalidMsg = 'flag object flag value invalid, must be one of [0, 1, 2].'
FlagObjectMissingIDs = 400103

flag object missing ids.

FlagObjectMissingIDsMsg = 'flag object missing ids.'
FlagObjectIDsNotList = 400104

flag object ids must be a list.

FlagObjectIDsNotListMsg = 'flag object ids must be a list.'
LabelSetNameInvalid = 400150

label set name can’t be GroundTruth and UserAnnotation.

LabelSetNameInvalidMsg = "label set name can't be GroundTruth and UserAnnotation."
LabelSetNameConflicts = 400151

target label set name is already taken.

LabelSetNameConflictsMsg = 'target label set name is already taken.'
UserNotFoundForLabelProject = 400200

user not found for label project.

UserNotFoundForLabelProjectMsg = 'user not found for label project.'
UserNotActiveForLabelProject = 400201

user not active for label project.

UserNotActiveForLabelProjectMsg = 'user not active for label project.'
DatasetNotFoundForLabelProject = 400202

dataset not found for label project.

DatasetNotFoundForLabelProjectMsg = 'dataset not found for label project.'
LabelTaskNotFoundForLabelProject = 400203

label task not found for label project.

LabelTaskNotFoundForLabelProjectMsg = 'label task not found for label project.'
CreateLabelProjectRequireManager = 400204

managers can’t be empty when creating label project.

CreateLabelProjectRequireManagerMsg = "managers can't be empty when creating label project."
CreateLabelProjectRequireDataset = 400205

datasets can’t be empty when creating label project.

CreateLabelProjectRequireDatasetMsg = "datasets can't be empty when creating label project."
CreateLabelProjectRequireCategory = 400206

categories can’t be empty when creating label project.

CreateLabelProjectRequireCategoryMsg = "categories can't be empty when creating label project."
CreateLabelProjectDatasetOccupied = 400207

dataset is occupied by other label project.

CreateLabelProjectDatasetOccupiedMsg = 'dataset is occupied by other label project.'
EditLabelProjectRequireManager = 400208

managers can’t be empty when editing label project.

EditLabelProjectRequireManagerMsg = "managers can't be empty when editing label project."
InitLabelProjectMustBeWaiting = 400209

label project must be in status of waiting for init.

InitLabelProjectMustBeWaitingMsg = 'label project must be in status of waiting for init.'
InitLabelProjectTaskConfigError = 400210

batch_size, label_times, review_times must be set at the same time.

InitLabelProjectTaskConfigErrorMsg = 'batch_size, label_times, review_times must be set at the same time.'
QALabelProjectActionError = 400211

qa action error, must be ‘accept’ or ‘reject’.

QALabelProjectActionErrorMsg = "qa action error, must be 'accept' or 'reject'."
QALabelProjectMustBeReviewing = 400212

label project must be in status of reviewing.

QALabelProjectMustBeReviewingMsg = 'label project must be in status of reviewing.'
ExportLabelProjectMustBeAccepted = 400213

label project must be in status of accepted.

ExportLabelProjectMustBeAcceptedMsg = 'label project must be in status of accepted.'
LeaderIDIsRequired = 400214

leader_id is required.

LeaderIDIsRequiredMsg = 'labeler_leader_id and reviewer_leader_id can not be empty at the same time.'
LabelerIDIsRequired = 400215

labeler_id is required.

LabelerIDIsRequiredMsg = 'labeler_ids and reviewer_ids can not be empty at the same time.'
LabelProjectRoleIsNotTaskLevel = 400216

label project role is not task level, so it cannot be bounded to a task.

LabelProjectRoleIsNotTaskLevelMsg = 'label project role is not task level, so it cannot be bounded to a task.'
CantReplaceRoleWithTheSameUser = 400217

can’t replace role with the same user.

CantReplaceRoleWithTheSameUserMsg = "can't replace role with the same user."
OldUserDoesNotHaveTheTaskRole = 400218

old user does not have the task role to be replaced.

OldUserDoesNotHaveTheTaskRoleMsg = 'old user does not have the task role to be replaced.'
NewUserAlreadyHaveTheTaskRole = 400219

new user already have the task role.

NewUserAlreadyHaveTheTaskRoleMsg = 'new user already have the task role.'
CantTransferRoleBetweenDifferentTask = 400220

can’t transfer role between different task.

CantTransferRoleBetweenDifferentTaskMsg = "can't transfer role between different task."
CantTransferRoleToDifferentKind = 400221

can’t transfer role to different kind.

CantTransferRoleToDifferentKindMsg = "can't transfer role to different kind."
RestartLabelTaskMustBeRejected = 400222

label task must be in status of rejected.

RestartLabelTaskMustBeRejectedMsg = 'label task must be in status of rejected.'
QALabelTaskActionError = 400223

qa action error, must be ‘accept’, ‘reject’ or ‘force_accept’.

QALabelTaskActionErrorMsg = "qa action error, must be 'accept', 'reject' or 'force_accept'."
AcceptLabelTaskMustBeReviewing = 400224

label task must be in status of reviewing.

AcceptLabelTaskMustBeReviewingMsg = 'label task must be in status of reviewing.'
RejectLabelTaskMustBeReviewing = 400225

label task must be in status of reviewing.

RejectLabelTaskMustBeReviewingMsg = 'label task must be in status of reviewing.'
ForceAcceptLabelTaskMustBeRejected = 400226

label task must be in status of rejected.

ForceAcceptLabelTaskMustBeRejectedMsg = 'label task must be in status of rejected.'
LabelAnnotationMissingFields = 400227

label annotation missing fields.

LabelAnnotationMissingFieldsMsg = 'label annotation missing fields.'
LabelAnnotationFieldValueInvalid = 400228

label annotation field value invalid.

LabelAnnotationFieldValueInvalidMsg = 'label annotation field value invalid.'
LabelImageRequireTaskStatusWorking = 400229

label image require task status be working.

LabelImageRequireTaskStatusWorkingMsg = 'label image require task status be working.'
LabelImageRequireUnfinishedReviewing = 400230

label image require unfinished reviewing.

LabelImageRequireUnfinishedReviewingMsg = 'label image require unfinished reviewing.'
ReviewImageRequireTaskStatusWorking = 400231

review image require task status be working.

ReviewImageRequireTaskStatusWorkingMsg = 'review image require task status be working.'
ReviewImageRequireFinishedLabeling = 400232

review image require finished labeling.

ReviewImageRequireFinishedLabelingMsg = 'review image require finished labeling.'
ReviewImageTargetLabelNotFound = 400233

review image target label not found.

ReviewImageTargetLabelNotFoundMsg = 'review image target label not found.'
ReviewImageFoundExistedReview = 400234

image has already been reviewed.

ReviewImageFoundExistedReviewMsg = 'image has already been reviewed.'
CantDeleteAllOwnersOfLabelProject = 400235

can’t delete all owners of label project.

CantDeleteAllOwnersOfLabelProjectMsg = "can't delete all owners of label project."
NumOfTaskLeaderMismatchesConfig = 400236

num of task leader mismatches config.

NumOfTaskLeaderMismatchesConfigMsg = 'num of task leader mismatches config.'
TaskDoesNotRequireReviewer = 400237

task does not require reviewer.

TaskDoesNotRequireReviewerMsg = 'task does not require reviewer.'
NumOfTaskLabelerMismatchesConfig = 400238

num of task labeler mismatches config.

NumOfTaskLabelerMismatchesConfigMsg = 'num of task labeler mismatches config.'
NumOfTaskReviewerMismatchesConfig = 400239

num of task reviewer mismatches config.

NumOfTaskReviewerMismatchesConfigMsg = 'num of task reviewer mismatches config.'
TryInitRoleForTaskWithActiveRoles = 400240

try init role for task with active roles.

TryInitRoleForTaskWithActiveRolesMsg = "can't init roles for task with active roles."
TaskRoleNotOfLeaderKind = 400241

task role not of leader kind.

TaskRoleNotOfLeaderKindMsg = 'task role not of leader kind.'
Unauthorized = 401000


UnauthorizedMsg = 'Unauthorized.'
Forbidden = 403000


ForbiddenMsg = 'Forbidden.'
UserAuthenticationFailed = 403050

User authentication failed.

UserAuthenticationFailedMsg = 'User authentication failed.'
UserCantViewLabelProjectTask = 403051

User can’t view label project.

UserCantViewLabelProjectTaskMsg = "User can't view label project."
UserCantViewLabelProjectRole = 403052

User can’t view label project role.

UserCantViewLabelProjectRoleMsg = "User can't view label project role."
UserCantCreateLabelProject = 403053

User can’t create label project.

UserCantCreateLabelProjectMsg = "User can't create label project."
UserCantViewLabelProject = 403054

User can’t view label project.

UserCantViewLabelProjectMsg = "User can't view label project."
UserCantEditLabelProject = 403055

User can’t edit label project.

UserCantEditLabelProjectMsg = "User can't edit label project."
UserCantInitLabelProject = 403056

User can’t init label project.

UserCantInitLabelProjectMsg = "User can't init label project."
UserCantQALabelProject = 403057

User can’t QA label project.

UserCantQALabelProjectMsg = "User can't QA label project."
UserCantExportLabelProject = 403058

User can’t export label project.

UserCantExportLabelProjectMsg = "User can't export label project."
UserCantAssignLabelTaskLeader = 403059

User can’t assign label task leader.

UserCantAssignLabelTaskLeaderMsg = "User can't assign label task leader."
UserCantAssignLabelTaskWorker = 403060

User can’t assign label task worker.

UserCantAssignLabelTaskWorkerMsg = "User can't assign label task worker."
UserCantRestartLabelTask = 403061

User can’t restart label task.

UserCantRestartLabelTaskMsg = "User can't restart label task."
UserCantQALabelTask = 403062

User can’t QA label task.

UserCantQALabelTaskMsg = "User can't QA label task."
UserCantLabelTaskImage = 403063

User can’t label task image.

UserCantLabelTaskImageMsg = "User can't label task image."
UserCantReviewTaskImage = 403064

User can’t review task image.

UserCantReviewTaskImageMsg = "User can't review task image."
NotFound = 404000

Not found.

NotFoundMsg = 'Not found.'
DatasetNotFound = 404050

Dataset not found.

DatasetNotFoundMsg = 'Dataset not found.'
DatasetNotReadable = 404051

Dataset not readable.

DatasetNotReadableMsg = 'Dataset not readable.'
DatasetMissingEmbdFile = 404052

Dataset missing embedding file for re-ranking task.

DatasetMissingEmbdFileMsg = 'Dataset missing embedding file.'
DatasetImageNotFound = 404053

Dataset image not found.

DatasetImageNotFoundMsg = 'Dataset image not found.'
DatasetHasNoFNFPData = 404054

Dataset has no FN/FP data.

DatasetHasNoFNFPDataMsg = 'Dataset has no FN/FP data.'
DatasetLabelNotFound = 404055

Dataset label not found.

DatasetLabelNotFoundMsg = 'Dataset label not found.'
DatasetFNFPPrecisionNotFound = 404056

Dataset FN/FP precision not found.

DatasetFNFPPrecisionNotFoundMsg = 'Dataset FN/FP precision not found.'
DatasetSubsetNotFound = 'Dataset subset not found.'
DatasetSubsetNotFoundMsg = 'Dataset subset not found.'
ReRankByFlagTaskNotFound = 404100

Task not found.

LabelProjectNotFound = 404150

Label project not found.

LabelProjectNotFoundMsg = 'Label project not found.'
LabelProjectRoleNotFound = 404151

Label project role not found.

LabelProjectRoleNotFoundMsg = 'Label project role not found.'
LabelProjectTaskNotFound = 404152

Label project task not found.

LabelProjectTaskNotFoundMsg = 'Label project task not found.'
LabelTaskImageNotFound = 404153

Label task image not found.

LabelTaskImageNotFoundMsg = 'Label task image not found.'
InternalError = 500000

Internal error.

InternalErrorMsg = 'Internal error.'
FailedToCloneLabelSet = 500001

Failed to clone label set.

FailedToCloneLabelSetMsg = 'Failed to clone label set.'