Source code for deepdataspace.model.image


The image model.

import copy
import logging
import os
from typing import ClassVar
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Literal
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Type
from typing import Union

from deepdataspace import constants
from deepdataspace.constants import FileReadMode
from deepdataspace.constants import LabelName
from deepdataspace.constants import RedisKey
from deepdataspace.globals import Redis
from deepdataspace.model._base import BaseModel
from deepdataspace.model.category import Category
from deepdataspace.model.label import Label
from deepdataspace.model.object import Object
from deepdataspace.utils.file import create_file_url
from deepdataspace.utils.string import get_str_md5

logger = logging.getLogger("io.model.image")

[docs]class ImageModel(BaseModel): """ | Image is the element of a dataset. | Each image contains a list of objects. | | The image model is designed differently from other models. | In the normal condition, every model refers to one and only one mongodb collection. | But the image model refers to multiple mongodb collections, one for each dataset. | This will improve the performance of the image query for large datasets. | But this also changes the behaviors of ImageModel: - The ImageModel class is created dynamically before accessing the mongodb collection. - While creating the ImageModel class, the dataset id is passed in as a class attribute 'belong_dataset'. - The get_collection and get_cls_id methods will decide the return value along with the 'belong_dataset'. | So the image model is designed to be used in this way: .. code-block:: python IModel = Image(dataset_id='xxxx') # the additional step to create the ImageModel class dynamically image = IModel(...) | Let's say we have two datasets, A and B: - Both dataSet A and B are stored in collection "datasets" - Images belong to DataSet A are stored in collection ``f"images@{}"`` - Images belong to DataSet B are stored in collection ``f"images@{}"`` Attributes: ----------- id: int The image id. idx: int The image sorting field. url: str The image URL. dataset_id: str Which dataset this image belongs to. type: str What kind of dataset this image belongs to. Default is None. See :class:`deepdataspace.constants.DatasetType`. url_full_res: str The image URL of full resolution. Default is an empty string. objects: List[Object] The objects in this image. Default is an empty list. width: int The image width. Default is None. height: int The image height. Default is None. metadata: str The image metadata. Default is "{}". flag: int The image flag, values can be 0,1,2. Default is 0. flag_ts: int The image flag timestamp. Default is 0. num_fn: dict fn counter of image in the format {"label_id": {90:x, 80: y, ..., 10: z}}. Default is an empty dict. num_fn_cat: dict fn counter of image categorized, in the format {"label_id": {"category_id: {90:x, 80: y, ..., 10: z}}}. Default is an empty dict. num_fp: dict fp counter of image in the format {"label_id": {90:x, 80: y, ..., 10: z}}. Default is an empty dict. num_fp_cat: dict fp counter of image categorized, in the format {"label_id": {"category_id: {90:x, 80: y, ..., 10: z}}}. Default is an empty dict. label_confirm: dict Confirm status of every label sets, where confirm can be: 0 = not confirmed, 1 = confirmed, 2 = refine required. Format is {"label_id": {"confirm": int, "confirm_ts": int}}. Default is an empty dict. """
[docs] @classmethod def get_collection(cls): """ Instead of returning a collection for all dataset, return a collection for each dataset. """ return cls.db[f"images@dataset_{cls.belong_dataset}"]
# the mandatory fields id: int # the image id idx: int # the image sorting field url: str # the image url dataset_id: str # which dataset this image belongs to # the optional fields type: str = None # what kind of dataset this image belongs to url_full_res: str = "" # the image url of full resolution objects: List[Object] = [] # the objects in this image width: int = None # the image width height: int = None # the image height metadata: str = "{}" # the image metadata flag: int = 0 # the image flag, 0,1,2 flag_ts: int = 0 # the image flag timestamp # fn/fp counter of image num_fn: dict = {} # {"label_id": {90:x, 80: y, ..., 10: z}} num_fn_cat: dict = {} # {"label_id": {"category_id: {90:x, 80: y, ..., 10: z}}} num_fp: dict = {} # {"label_id": {90:x, 80: y, ..., 10: z}} num_fp_cat: dict = {} # {"label_id": {"category_id: {90:x, 80: y, ..., 10: z}}} # confirm status of every label sets, confirm: 0 = not confirmed, 1 = confirmed, 2 = refine required # {"label_id": {"confirm": int, "confirm_ts": int}} label_confirm: dict = {} _dataset = None _labels: dict = {} _categories: dict = {} belong_dataset: ClassVar[str] = None @property def dataset(self): from deepdataspace.model.dataset import DataSet # import inside function to avoid circular importing if self._dataset is None: self._dataset = DataSet.find_one({"id": self.dataset_id}) return self._dataset
[docs] @classmethod def get_cls_id(cls): """ Instead of returning the class name directly, return the class name with dataset id. """ return f"{cls.__name__}.{cls.belong_dataset}"
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: dict): """ This is almost the same as the BaseModel.from_dict method, except that it will set the idx field by id value if idx is not set. """ data.setdefault("idx", data["id"]) obj = cls.parse_obj(data) obj.post_init() return obj
@staticmethod def _convert_local_to_url(file_uri: str): file_path = file_uri[7:] file_url = create_file_url(file_path=file_path, read_mode=constants.FileReadMode.Binary) return file_url
[docs] def post_init(self): """ Ensure the url are visible for local file uri. """ if self.url.startswith("file://"): self.url = self._convert_local_to_url(self.url) if self.url_full_res.startswith("file://"): self.url_full_res = self._convert_local_to_url(self.url_full_res)
def _add_label(self, label: str, label_type: str): """ Add a label to the dataset the image belongs to. """ label_id = get_str_md5(f"{self.dataset_id}_{label}") label_obj = self._labels.get(label_id, None) if label_obj is None: label_obj = Label.find_one({"id": label_id}) if label_obj is not None and label_obj.type != label_type: msg = f"label_type mismatch with existing label data, existing: {label_obj.type}, label_type:{label_type}" raise ValueError(msg) if label_obj is None: label_obj = Label(name=label, id=label_id, type=label_type, dataset_id=self.dataset_id) label_obj.post_init() self._labels[label_id] = label_obj return label_obj def _add_category(self, category: str): """ Add a category to the dataset the image belongs to. """ category_id = get_str_md5(f"{self.dataset_id}_{category}") category_obj = self._categories.get(category_id, None) if category_obj is None: category_obj = Category.find_one({"id": category_id}) if category_obj is None: category_obj = Category(name=category, id=category_id, dataset_id=self.dataset_id) category_obj.post_init() self._categories[category_id] = category_obj return category_obj @staticmethod def _format_bbox(width, height, bbox: Tuple[int, int, int, int]): """ Convert the bbox data to the internal format. """ bounding_box = {} if bbox: x1, y1, w, h = bbox x2, y2 = x1 + w, y1 + h bounding_box = {"xmin": x1 / width, "ymin": y1 / height, "xmax": x2 / width, "ymax": y2 / height} return bounding_box @staticmethod def _format_segmentation(segmentation: List[List[int]]): """ Convert the segmentation data to the internal format. """ if not segmentation: return "" return "/".join([",".join([str(x) for x in seg]) for seg in segmentation]) @staticmethod def _format_keypoints(keypoints: List[Union[float, int]], colors: List[int] = None, skeleton: List[int] = None, names: List[str] = None): """ Convert the coco_keypoints data to the internal format. """ if not keypoints: return [], [], [], [] if len(keypoints) % 4 != 0: raise ValueError("coco_keypoints must be a flat list of x1, y1, v1, conf1, x2, y2, v2, conf2, ...") points = [] length = len(keypoints) // 4 for idx in range(length): idx *= 4 x, y, v, conf = keypoints[idx], keypoints[idx + 1], keypoints[idx + 2], keypoints[idx + 3] points.extend([float(x), float(y), 0.0, 1.0, int(v), conf]) # x, y, z, w, v, conf if not colors: colors = constants.KeyPointColor.COCO if not skeleton: skeleton = constants.KeyPointSkeleton.COCO if not names: names = constants.KeyPointName.COCO return points, colors, skeleton, names @staticmethod def _add_local_file_url_to_whitelist(url: str): if not url or not url.startswith("/files/local_files"): return path = url.split("/") path = "/".join(path[7:]) Redis.sadd(RedisKey.DatasetImageDirs, os.path.dirname(path)) def _update_dataset(self, bbox, segmentation, alpha_uri, coco_keypoints): """ Update the dataset attributes according to the annotation data. """ modified = False if constants.AnnotationType.Classification not in self.dataset.object_types: self.dataset.object_types.append(constants.AnnotationType.Classification) modified = True if bbox is not None and constants.AnnotationType.Detection not in self.dataset.object_types: self.dataset.object_types.append(constants.AnnotationType.Detection) modified = True if segmentation and constants.AnnotationType.Segmentation not in self.dataset.object_types: self.dataset.object_types.append(constants.AnnotationType.Segmentation) modified = True if alpha_uri and constants.AnnotationType.Matting not in self.dataset.object_types: self.dataset.object_types.append(constants.AnnotationType.Matting) modified = True if coco_keypoints and constants.AnnotationType.KeyPoints not in self.dataset.object_types: self.dataset.object_types.append(constants.AnnotationType.KeyPoints) modified = True if modified: def _add_annotation(self, category: str, label: str = LabelName.GroundTruth, label_type: Literal["GT", "Pred", "User"] = "GT", conf: float = 1.0, is_group: bool = False, bbox: Tuple[int, int, int, int] = None, segmentation: List[List[int]] = None, alpha_uri: str = None, keypoints: List[Union[float, int]] = None, keypoint_colors: List[int] = None, keypoint_skeleton: List[int] = None, keypoint_names: List[str] = None, caption: str = None, confirm_type: int = 0, ): if bbox: if not self.width or not self.height: raise ValueError("image width and height must be set before setting bbox") label_obj = self._add_label(label, label_type) category_obj = self._add_category(category) bounding_box = self._format_bbox(self.width, self.height, bbox) segmentation = self._format_segmentation(segmentation) points, colors, lines, names = self._format_keypoints(keypoints, keypoint_colors, keypoint_skeleton, keypoint_names) anno_obj = Object(label_name=label, label_type=label_type,, category_name=category,, caption=caption, bounding_box=bounding_box, segmentation=segmentation, alpha=alpha_uri, points=points, lines=lines, point_colors=colors, point_names=names, conf=conf, is_group=is_group, confirm_type=confirm_type) anno_obj.post_init() self.objects.append(anno_obj)
[docs] def add_annotation(self, category: str, label: str = LabelName.GroundTruth, label_type: Literal["GT", "Pred", "User"] = "GT", conf: float = 1.0, is_group: bool = False, bbox: Tuple[int, int, int, int] = None, segmentation: List[List[int]] = None, alpha_uri: str = None, keypoints: List[Union[float, int]] = None, keypoint_colors: List[int] = None, keypoint_skeleton: List[int] = None, keypoint_names: List[str] = None, caption: str = None, confirm_type: int = 0, ): """ Add an annotation to the image. :param category: the category name. :param label: the label name. :param conf: the confidence of the annotation. :param is_group: whether the annotation is a group. :param label_type: the label type, GT, Pred, User. :param bbox: the bounding box of the annotation, (x1, y1, w, h). :param segmentation: the segmentation of the annotation, [[l1p1, l1p2, ...], [l2p1, l2p2, ...]]. :param alpha_uri: the alpha uri of the annotation, either a local path or a remote url. :param keypoints: the key points, [x1, y1, v1, conf1, x2, y2, v2, conf2, ...]. v stands for visibility, 0 = not labeled, 1 = labeled but not visible, 2 = visible; conf stands for confidence, and it should always be 1.0 for ground truth. :param keypoint_names: the key point names, ["nose", "left_eye", ...]. :param keypoint_colors: the key point colors, [255, 0, 0, ...]. :param keypoint_skeleton: the key point skeleton, [0, 1, 2, ...]. :param caption: the caption of the annotation. :param confirm_type: the confirm_type of the annotation, 0 = not confirmed, 1 = gt may be fn, 2 = pred may be fp """ self._add_annotation(category, label, label_type, conf, is_group, bbox, segmentation, alpha_uri, keypoints, keypoint_colors, keypoint_skeleton, keypoint_names, caption, confirm_type) self._update_dataset(bbox, segmentation, alpha_uri, keypoints)
[docs] def batch_add_annotation(self, category: str, label: str = LabelName.GroundTruth, label_type: Literal["GT", "Pred", "User"] = "GT", conf: float = 1.0, is_group: bool = False, bbox: Tuple[int, int, int, int] = None, segmentation: List[List[int]] = None, alpha_uri: str = None, keypoints: List[Union[float, int]] = None, keypoint_colors: List[int] = None, keypoint_skeleton: List[int] = None, keypoint_names: List[str] = None, caption: str = None, confirm_type: int = 0, ): """ The batch version of add_annotation. The performance is better if we are saving a lot of annotations. But this does not guarantee the dataset data consistency before the DataSet.finish_batch_add_image is called. So this function must be used in a batch add image context like this:: for image_data in images: image = dataset.batch_add_image(**image_data) for annotation_data in annotations: image.batch_add_annotation(**annotation_data) dataset.finish_batch_add+image() :param category: the category name. :param label: the label name. :param conf: the confidence of the annotation. :param is_group: whether the annotation is a group. :param label_type: the label type, GT, Pred, User. :param bbox: the bounding box of the annotation, (x1, y1, w, h). :param segmentation: the segmentation of the annotation, [[l1p1, l1p2, ...], [l2p1, l2p2, ...]]. :param alpha_uri: the alpha uri of the annotation, either a local path or a remote url. :param keypoints: the key points, [x1, y1, v1, conf1, x2, y2, v2, conf2, ...]. v stands for visibility, 0 = not labeled, 1 = labeled but not visible, 2 = visible; conf stands for confidence, and it should always be 1.0 for ground truth. :param keypoint_names: the key point names, ["nose", "left_eye", ...]. :param keypoint_colors: the key point colors, [255, 0, 0, ...]. :param keypoint_skeleton: the key point skeleton, [0, 1, 2, ...]. :param caption: the caption of the annotation. :param confirm_type: the confirm_type of the annotation, 0 = not confirmed, 1 = gt may be fn, 2 = pred may be fp :return: None """ bbox = self._format_bbox(self.width, self.height, bbox) segmentation = self._format_segmentation(segmentation) points, colors, lines, names = self._format_keypoints(keypoints, keypoint_colors, keypoint_skeleton, keypoint_names) if alpha_uri and alpha_uri.startswith("file://"): alpha_path = alpha_uri[7:] alpha_uri = create_file_url(file_path=alpha_path, read_mode=FileReadMode.Binary) anno_obj = Object(label_name=label, label_type=label_type, category_name=category, caption=caption, bounding_box=bbox, segmentation=segmentation, alpha=alpha_uri, points=points, lines=lines, point_colors=colors, point_names=names, conf=conf, is_group=is_group, confirm_type=confirm_type) self.objects.append(anno_obj)
def finish_batch_add_annotation(self): self.dataset.batch_save_image(self)
_image_models: Dict[str, Type[ImageModel]] = {} # a cache for ImageModel for each dataset
[docs]def Image(dataset_id: str) -> Type[ImageModel]: """ A shortcut to get the ImageModel for specified dataset. """ model = _image_models.setdefault(dataset_id, copy.deepcopy(ImageModel)) model.belong_dataset = dataset_id return model