Source code for deepdataspace.model.label


The label model.

from typing import List

from deepdataspace.model._base import BaseModel

[docs]class Label(BaseModel): """ | Label, or Label Set, or Prediction Set, is a set of predictions made to images of a dataset at the same time. | GroundTruth and UserAnnotation are special label sets. Attributes: ----------- name: str The label name. id: str The label id. type: str Is it a prediction? a GroundTruth? or a user annotation?, see :class:`deepdataspace.constants.LabelType`. dataset_id: str The dataset id this label belongs to. compare_precisions: list Pre-calculated thresh conf for comparing prediction to gt. clone_from_label: str Which label set this label is cloned from. """
[docs] @classmethod def get_collection(cls, *args, **kwargs): return cls.db["labels"]
# the mandatory fields name: str # the label name # the optional fields id: str = "" # the label id type: str = "" # is it a prediction? a GroundTruth? or a user annotation? dataset_id: str = "" # which dataset this label belongs to compare_precisions: List = [] # pre-calculated thresh conf for comparing prediction to gt clone_from_label: str = "" # which label set this label is cloned from