Source code for deepdataspace.plugins.tsv.importer

Import the tsv dataset and save metadata into mongodb.

import json
import logging
import os
import re
import traceback
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

from deepdataspace.constants import ContentEncoding
from deepdataspace.constants import DatasetType
from deepdataspace.constants import LabelName
from deepdataspace.constants import LabelType
from deepdataspace.constants import DatasetFileType
from import FileImporter
from deepdataspace.utils.file import create_file_range_url

logger = logging.getLogger("plugins.tsv.importer")

[docs]class TSVImporter(FileImporter): """ Importer for tsv dataset. """ def __init__(self, dataset_path: str, enforce: bool = False): """ :param dataset_path: path to a tsv dataset. :param enforce: if True, the importer will re-import the dataset even if it is already imported. """ dataset_path = os.path.abspath(dataset_path) super(TSVImporter, self).__init__(dataset_path, enforce=enforce) self.dataset.type = DatasetType.TSV self._files = {} self._num_images = 0
[docs] def open_files(self): for file_tag, file_path in self.dataset.files.items(): if file_tag == DatasetFileType.GroundTruth or file_tag.startswith(f"{DatasetFileType.Prediction}/"): self._files[file_tag] = { "fp": open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf8"), "line_idx": 0, "byte_idx": 0, "path": file_path } elif file_tag == DatasetFileType.Embedding: self._files[file_tag] = { "path": file_path }
[docs] def close_files(self): for file in self._files.values(): try: fp = file.get("fp", None) if fp is not None: fp.close() except Exception as err: logger.error(traceback.format_tb(err.__traceback__)) logger.error(str(err)) self._files = {}
[docs] def pre_run(self): self.open_files() super(TSVImporter, self).pre_run()
[docs] def on_error(self, err: Exception): try: self.close_files() finally: super(TSVImporter, self).on_error(err)
[docs] def post_run(self): try: self.close_files() finally: super(TSVImporter, self).post_run()
[docs] def load_objects(self, image: Dict, label_name: str, label_type: str, objects: list, image_data_off: int, image_data_str: str, file_path: str, line_idx: int) -> List[Dict]: obj_list = [] warned_seg = False for obj_idx, obj in enumerate(objects): obj["id"] = obj_idx # prepare category category_name = obj.pop("class", None) if category_name is None: continue # prepare segmentation segmentation = obj.pop("segmentation", None) if segmentation: wh, seg_str = segmentation.split("/", 1) if image["width"] is None or image["height"] is None: h, w = wh.split(",", 1) image["width"], image["height"] = int(w), int(h) try: segmentation = [[float(num) for num in line_str.split(",")] for line_str in seg_str.split("/")] except Exception as err: if warned_seg is False: msg = f"[{self.dataset.path}@{line_idx}] malformed segmentation, seg={seg_str}, err={str(err)}" logger.warning(msg) warned_seg = True segmentation = [[str(num) for num in line_str.split(",")] for line_str in seg_str.split("/")] # prepare bounding box bbox = obj.pop("bounding_box", None) if bbox is not None: xmin, ymin = bbox["xmin"] * image["width"], bbox["ymin"] * image["height"] xmax, ymax = bbox["xmax"] * image["width"], bbox["ymax"] * image["height"] bbox = [ xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin ] # prepare alpha matting alpha = obj.get("alpha", None) if alpha is not None: pattern_length = 6 pattern = alpha[:pattern_length] while True: result = list(re.finditer(pattern, image_data_str)) if len(result) > 1: pattern_length += 2 else: result = result[0] break beg_pos = image_data_off + result.start() end_pos = beg_pos + len(alpha) alpha = create_file_range_url(file_path=file_path, file_encoding=ContentEncoding.Base64, beg_pos=beg_pos, end_pos=end_pos, file_mime="image/png") # prepare is_group is_group = bool(obj.get("iscrowd", False)) # prepare confirm_type confirm_type = obj.get("confirm_type", None) # prepare confidence confidence = obj.get("conf", 1.0) # add the annotation obj = self.format_annotation(category_name, label=label_name, label_type=label_type, conf=confidence, is_group=is_group, bbox=bbox, segmentation=segmentation, alpha_uri=alpha, confirm_type=confirm_type, ) obj_list.append(obj) return obj_list
[docs] @staticmethod def read_line(file_data: dict): line_idx = file_data["line_idx"] byte_idx = file_data["byte_idx"] line = file_data["fp"].readline() if len(line) == 0: return None, None, -1, -1, -1 file_data["line_idx"] += 1 file_data["byte_idx"] += len(line) image_id, image_data_str, image_content_str = line.split("\t") image_data_off = byte_idx + len(image_id) + 1 return image_data_str, image_content_str, line_idx, byte_idx, image_data_off
[docs] def load_groundtruth(self) -> Tuple[Union[Dict, None], Union[List[Dict], None]]: file = self._files[DatasetFileType.GroundTruth] image_data_str, image_content_str, line_idx, byte_idx, image_data_off = self.read_line(file) if image_data_str is None: return None, None file_path = file["path"] image_data = json.loads(image_data_str) # prepare image metadata metadata = image_data.get("metadata", {}) image_width = metadata.get("width", None) image_height = metadata.get("height", None) # prepare image url content_offset = image_data_off + len(image_data_str) + 1 content_length = len(image_content_str) if image_content_str.startswith("http://") or image_content_str.startswith("https://"): image_url = image_content_str else: image_url = create_file_range_url(file_path=file_path, file_encoding=ContentEncoding.Base64, beg_pos=content_offset, end_pos=content_offset + content_length, file_mime="image/jpeg", ) # create image image = self.format_image_data(image_url, thumb_uri=image_url, width=image_width, height=image_height, id_=line_idx, metadata=metadata) # add annotations objects = image_data.get("objects", []) objects = self.load_objects(image, LabelName.GroundTruth, LabelType.GroundTruth, objects, image_data_off, image_data_str, file_path, line_idx) return image, objects
[docs] def load_prediction(self, image: Dict, pred_name: str): file = self._files[pred_name] image_data_str, image_content_str, line_idx, byte_idx, image_data_off = self.read_line(file) if image_data_str is None: return file_path = file["path"] pred_name = pred_name.split("/")[-1] image_data = json.loads(image_data_str) # add annotations objects = image_data.get("objects", []) objects = self.load_objects(image, pred_name, LabelType.Prediction, objects, image_data_off, image_data_str, file_path, line_idx) return objects
[docs] def load_predictions(self, image: Dict) -> List[Dict]: objects = [] for file_key in self._files.keys(): if not file_key.startswith(f"{DatasetFileType.Prediction}/"): continue obj_list = self.load_prediction(image, file_key) objects.extend(obj_list) return objects
def __iter__(self) -> Tuple[Dict, List[Dict]]: while True: image, objects = self.load_groundtruth() if image is None: break pred_objects = self.load_predictions(image) objects.extend(pred_objects) yield image, objects
[docs] @staticmethod def can_import(path: str): if os.path.isdir(path): return False return path.endswith(".tsv")
[docs] def collect_files(self) -> dict: files = super(TSVImporter, self).collect_files() directory = os.path.dirname(self.path) for item in os.listdir(directory): if not item.startswith( continue file_path = os.path.join(directory, item) if item.endswith(".pred"): pred_name = item.replace(, "")[1:] pred_name = os.path.splitext(pred_name)[0] pred_name = f"{DatasetFileType.Prediction}/{pred_name}" files[pred_name] = file_path if item.endswith(".embd"): files[DatasetFileType.Embedding] = file_path return files