Source code for deepdataspace.process.processor


The common interface of processing a dataset.

import abc
import json
import logging
import os
import time
import traceback
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Union

from deepdataspace.algos.graph import DirectedSymbolGraph
from deepdataspace.constants import DatasetStatus
from deepdataspace.constants import TaskStatus
from deepdataspace.model.dataset import DataSet
from deepdataspace.utils.string import get_str_md5

logger = logging.getLogger("process.processor")

[docs]class ProcessorMeta(type): """ Metaclass of a process class. This metaclass will: - register all process classes - resolve the dependency links between them - register the task function of each process class """ processors = [] name2class = {}
[docs] @staticmethod def register_class(name: str, cls: "ProcessorMeta"): """ Find all processor classes, and order them by dependency links. The depended processor will be prior to all depending processors. """ # found all processor classes, ensure there is no classes of the same name exist_cls = ProcessorMeta.name2class.get(name, None) if exist_cls is not None: msg = f"Cannot register processors, more than one Processor named by '{name}': [{exist_cls}, {cls}]" raise RuntimeError(msg) ProcessorMeta.name2class[name] = cls cls.register_task_func() # construct a directed symbol graph num_nodes = len(ProcessorMeta.name2class) dsg = DirectedSymbolGraph(num_nodes) for name, cls in ProcessorMeta.name2class.items(): dsg.add_node(name) dependencies = cls.dependencies() for dep in dependencies: dsg.add_edge(name, ProcessorMeta.name2class[dep].__name__) # resolve the topology order from processor dependency links if dsg.has_circle(): msg = f"Cannot resolve processors, there is a circle in processor dependency link" raise RuntimeError(msg) topo = dsg.topology_order() topo = [ProcessorMeta.name2class[n] for n in topo] ProcessorMeta.processors = topo
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs): cls = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs) if name != "BaseProcessor": ProcessorMeta.register_class(name, cls) return cls
[docs]class BaseProcessor(metaclass=ProcessorMeta): """ The common interface for processing a dataset. Any subclass should implement all abstract methods. Processors may be executed asynchronously by celery. To do so, the processor class should implement the `register_task_func` function, which returns a celery task. """ task_func = None def __init__(self, dataset_path: str, enforce: bool = False): """ :param dataset_path: the path of dateset to be processed. :param enforce: force processing the target dataset, even though it is processed before. """ dataset_path = os.path.abspath(dataset_path) self.enforce = enforce self._dataset = None self.dataset_path = dataset_path self.dataset_id = get_str_md5(dataset_path)
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def dependencies(cls) -> List[str]: """ What processors this processor is depending on. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def should_auto_run(cls) -> bool: """ Should this processor automatically run at program start? """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def can_process(self): raise NotImplementedError
@property def dataset(self): if self._dataset is None: self._dataset = DataSet.find_one({"_id": self.dataset_id}) if self._dataset is not None: self.dataset_path = self._dataset.path return self._dataset @property def is_processed(self) -> bool: """ Check if the dataset is processed before. """ if self.dataset is None: return False status = self.dataset.detail_status.get(self.__class__.__name__) return status == DatasetStatus.Ready @property def should_process(self): """ Check if the process task should be run. """ return not self.is_processed or self.enforce
[docs] @contextmanager def process_dataset(self): """ Process a subset of this dataset. Derived class should implement this interface accordingly. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def update_dataset_status(self, status): detail_status = self.dataset.detail_status detail_status[self.__class__.__name__] = status update = { "status" : status, "detail_status": detail_status } DataSet.update_one({"id": self.dataset_id}, update)
[docs] @contextmanager def process_dataset_context(self): self.update_dataset_status(DatasetStatus.Processing) try: yield except Exception as err: logger.error(f"{self.dataset_path} is failed to process, err={str(err)}") logger.error(traceback.format_tb(err.__traceback__)) self.update_dataset_status(DatasetStatus.Failed) raise err else: self.update_dataset_status(DatasetStatus.Ready)"{self.dataset_path} process done.")
[docs] def run(self) -> Union[None, Dict[str, Any]]: """ The function invokes the whole processing procedures. This stars the processing of dataset directly in current thread. If you want to process the dataset asynchronously, use `run_async` instead. """"{self.__class__.__name__} starts to run, enforce={self.enforce}") if self.dataset is None:"{self.dataset_path} is not imported before, skip it...") return None if not self.should_process:"{self.dataset_path} is processed before, skip it...") return self.dataset with self.process_dataset_context(): self.process_dataset() return self.dataset
[docs] @staticmethod def update_task_status(task_id, update_data: dict): from deepdataspace.globals import Redis"updating task[{task_id}] with {update_data}") redis_key = f"task:{task_id}" task_data = Redis.get(redis_key) if task_data: task_data = json.loads(task_data) task_data.update(update_data) Redis.set(redis_key, json.dumps(task_data))
[docs] @staticmethod def on_async_start(task): """ This function is called before the processor is executed by celery. :param task: celery task instance. """ task_id ="-", "") BaseProcessor.update_task_status(task_id, { "status" : TaskStatus.Running, "start_at": int(time.time() * 1000) })
[docs] @staticmethod def on_async_success(task, retval, task_id, args, kwarg): """ This function is called if the processor is executed by celery successfully. :param task: celery task instance. """ task_id = task_id.replace("-", "") BaseProcessor.update_task_status(task_id, { "status" : TaskStatus.Success, "finish_at": int(time.time() * 1000) })
[docs] @staticmethod def on_async_fail(task, exc, task_id, args, kwargs, einfo): """ This function is called if the processor is failed to be executed by celery. :param task: celery task instance. """ task_id = task_id.replace("-", "") BaseProcessor.update_task_status(task_id, { "status" : TaskStatus.Fail, "finish_at": int(time.time() * 1000) })
[docs] @classmethod def register_task_func(cls): """ This function registers the process class as a celery task. """ if cls.task_func is not None: return from deepdataspace.task.celery import app def _run_async(task, dataset_path: str, enforce: bool = False): cls.on_async_start(task) instance = cls(dataset_path, enforce) return cls.task_func = app.task(name=f"{cls.__name__}", bind=True, on_success=cls.on_async_success, on_failure=cls.on_async_fail)(_run_async)
[docs] @classmethod def run_async(cls, dataset_path: str, enforce: bool): """ Run the processor asynchronously by celery. """ return cls.task_func.apply_async(args=(dataset_path, enforce,))
def __repr__(self): return f"Processor('{self.dataset_path}')" def __str__(self): return self.__repr__()
[docs]def process_dataset(dataset_dir: str, enforce: bool = False, auto_triggered=False): """ Process the dataset with all registered Processors. :param dataset_dir: the dataset dir to be processed. :param enforce: enforce the import task, even though the dataset is processed before. :param auto_triggered: is this function called automatically on program start up? """"process_dataset starts, dataset_dir={dataset_dir}, enforce={enforce}") dataset = None for processor in ProcessorMeta.processors: proc = processor(dataset_dir, enforce) if auto_triggered is True and not proc.should_auto_run(): continue dataset = return dataset