Source code for deepdataspace.server.resources.files.dataset_flags


This file add API to generate and return the flag file of a dataset.

import json
import tempfile

from django.http.response import FileResponse
from django.http.response import Http404

from deepdataspace.model import DataSet
from deepdataspace.model.image import Image

[docs]def dataset_flags(request, dataset_id): """ Generate and return the flag file of the dataset. """ dataset = DataSet.find_one({"id": dataset_id}) if dataset is None: raise Http404() file_lines = [] # val.tsv {"time": 1664188933, "id": 0, "flag": 2} images = Image(dataset_id).find_many({}, sort=[("_id", 1)], to_dict=True) for image in images: flag_meta = {"time": image["flag_ts"], "id": image["id"], "flag": image["flag"]} line = f"{}\t{json.dumps(flag_meta)}" file_lines.append(line) file_str = "\n".join(file_lines) tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() = f"{}.flag.tsv" if dataset.group_name: = f"{dataset.group_name}.{}" tmp_file.write(file_str.encode("utf-8")) response = FileResponse(tmp_file) response["Content-Type"] = "application/octet-stream" response["Content-Disposition"] = f'attachment;filename="{}"' return response