Source code for deepdataspace.server.resources.files.local_file


This file add APIs to read local files or file byte ranges.

import base64
import logging
import os.path

from django.http.response import FileResponse
from django.http.response import Http404
from django.http.response import HttpResponse
from django.http.response import HttpResponseForbidden

from deepdataspace.constants import ContentEncoding
from deepdataspace.constants import FileReadMode
from deepdataspace.constants import RedisKey
from deepdataspace.globals import Redis

logger = logging.getLogger("django")

def _decode_file(content, encoding):
    if encoding == ContentEncoding.Plain:
        return HttpResponse(content)
    elif encoding == ContentEncoding.Base64:
        image_bytes = base64.b64decode(content)
        response = HttpResponse(image_bytes)
        return response
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown encoding: {encoding}")

def _read_file(local_path, read_mode, beg, end, content_encode, mime_type):
    Read the part of file and return it as a http response.
    read_mode = "rt" if read_mode == FileReadMode.Text else "rb"
    with open(local_path, read_mode) as fp:
        if beg is not None and end is not None:
            content = - beg)
            content =
        response = _decode_file(content, content_encode)
        response["Content-Type"] = mime_type
        return response

[docs]def read_file(request, read_mode, content_encode, position, mime_type, local_path): """ Read and decode a local file and return the data in http response. """ local_path = os.path.abspath(local_path) if not os.path.exists(local_path) or os.path.isdir(local_path): raise Http404() if read_mode not in FileReadMode.ALL_: raise Http404() file_dir = os.path.dirname(local_path) if not Redis.sismember(RedisKey.DatasetImageDirs, file_dir): logger.warning(f"Dataset image file is not in whitelist, please run 'ddsop migrate 2023053101' to fix it.") return HttpResponseForbidden("Forbidden") if content_encode not in ContentEncoding.ALL_: raise Http404() beg, end = position.split("_") try: beg = int(beg) end = int(end) except ValueError: raise Http404() beg = None if beg == -1 else beg end = None if end == -1 else end mime_type = mime_type.replace("_", "/") # the most simple case, just return the file if (beg is None or end is None) and content_encode == ContentEncoding.Plain: response = FileResponse(open(local_path, "rb")) response["Content-Type"] = mime_type return response # the complicated cases involving file partial reading or decoding return _read_file(local_path, read_mode, beg, end, content_encode, mime_type)