Source code for

#! python

The dds service manager.
This is the main entry point for dds, which controls all other services.

import atexit
import getpass
import os
import shutil
import stat
import time
import zipfile
from pathlib import Path
from threading import Thread

import psutil
import yaml

from import config
from import Celery
from import generate_mongodb_conf
from import generate_redis_conf
from import read_mongodb_password
from import read_redis_password
from import setup_mongodb_password
from import setup_redis_password
from import Django
from import MongoDB
from import Redis
from import progress_log
from import SQLite
from deepdataspace.utils.classes import SingletonMeta
from import download_by_requests
from import get_output_ip_address
from deepdataspace.utils.os import PLATFORM
from deepdataspace.utils.os import Platforms
from deepdataspace.utils.os import check_port_free
from deepdataspace.utils.os import find_shared_dirs_on_ubuntu
from deepdataspace.utils.os import get_ubuntu_version
from deepdataspace.utils.string import gen_random_str

if PLATFORM is None:
    raise OSError("unsupported platform, exiting now...")
IsWin = PLATFORM == Platforms.Win

[docs]class DDS(metaclass=SingletonMeta): def __init__(self, data_dir: str = None, quickstart: bool = None, verbose: bool = None, public: bool = None, host: str = None, port: int = None, reload: bool = None, configfile: str = None, from_cmdline: bool = False): self.config_data = {} if configfile is not None: with open(configfile, "r", encoding="utf8") as fp: config_data = yaml.safe_load(fp) for key, val in config_data.items(): if val is not None: self.config_data[key] = val self.data_dir = self.argument_or_config("data_dir", data_dir, None) self.quickstart = self.argument_or_config("quickstart", quickstart, False) self.verbose = self.argument_or_config("verbose", verbose, False) self.public = public or False if host is None and public: host = get_output_ip_address() = self.argument_or_config("django_host", host, "") self.port = int(self.argument_or_config("django_port", port, 8765)) self.reload = self.argument_or_config("django_reload", reload, False) home_dir = os.path.expanduser("~") runtime_dir = os.path.join(home_dir, ".deepdataspace") self.runtime_dir = self.argument_or_config("runtime_dir", runtime_dir, None) self.configfile = configfile self.from_cmdline = from_cmdline self.started = False self.db = None self.redis = None self.mongodb = None self.celery = None self.django = None self.running_pids = {} # {name:pid}, all subprocess started, will be closed at exit self.dl_prefix = "" self.distro = PLATFORM if PLATFORM != Platforms.Linux else f"ubuntu{get_ubuntu_version()}"
[docs] def argument_or_config(self, key, value, default): if value is not None: return value else: return self.config_data.get(key, default)
[docs] def exit_or_raise(self, msg: str): if self.from_cmdline is True: print(msg) exit(1) else: raise RuntimeError(msg)
[docs] def prefight_checks(self): if self.quickstart is False: if self.data_dir is None: if self.from_cmdline: msg = "Usage: [OPTIONS] DATA_DIR\nTry ' --help' for help.\n\nError: Missing argument 'DATA_DIR'." else: msg = f"Argument data_dir is required, otherwise you must set 'quickstart' to True." self.exit_or_raise(msg) elif not os.path.exists(self.data_dir): msg = f"data dir[{self.data_dir}] not found, exiting now..." self.exit_or_raise(msg) if PLATFORM == Platforms.Win: if self.reload is True: msg = f"--reload flag is not compatible with Windows platform" self.exit_or_raise(msg) elif PLATFORM == Platforms.Linux: ubuntu_version = get_ubuntu_version() supported_versions = ["1804", "2004", "2204"] if ubuntu_version not in supported_versions: msg = f"ubuntu version[{ubuntu_version}] is not supported, supported versions are {supported_versions}" self.exit_or_raise(msg) if not check_port_free(self.port): msg = f"Port {self.port} is taken, please specify another port." self.exit_or_raise(msg)
[docs] def init_samples(self): sample_file = os.path.join(self.runtime_dir, "") if not os.path.exists(sample_file): sample_url = f"{self.dl_prefix}/datasets/" with progress_log(f"Downloading sample datasets"): download_by_requests(sample_url, sample_file) with zipfile.ZipFile(sample_file, "r") as fp: fp.extractall(f"{self.runtime_dir}") extract_dir = f"{self.runtime_dir}/dataset-samples" for item in os.listdir(extract_dir): item_path = os.path.join(extract_dir, item) if os.path.isdir(item_path): continue if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, item)): shutil.move(item_path, self.data_dir) shutil.rmtree(extract_dir)
def _init_shared_files_and_dirs(self): # init shared files and directories config.RUNTIME_DIR = self.runtime_dir config.RUNTIME_DIR = os.path.expanduser(config.RUNTIME_DIR) config.RUNTIME_DIR = os.path.expandvars(config.RUNTIME_DIR) os.makedirs(config.RUNTIME_DIR, exist_ok=True) if self.quickstart is True: if self.data_dir is None: self.data_dir = os.path.join(config.RUNTIME_DIR, "datasets") os.makedirs(self.data_dir, exist_ok=True) self.init_samples() config.DATA_DIR = self.data_dir config.VERBOSE_LOG = self.verbose config.SHARED_LIB_DIR = str(Path(config.RUNTIME_DIR, "lib")) config.SHARED_SSL_LIB = str(Path(config.SHARED_LIB_DIR, "")) config.SHARED_CRYPTO_LIB = str(Path(config.SHARED_LIB_DIR, "")) config.SHARED_CURL_LIB = str(Path(config.SHARED_LIB_DIR, "")) os.makedirs(config.SHARED_LIB_DIR, exist_ok=True) if PLATFORM != Platforms.Linux: return def _init_database_config(self): # init database config config.DB_ENGIN = self.config_data.get("db_engin", "sqlite3") config.DB_HOST = self.config_data.get("db_host", "") config.DB_PORT = self.config_data.get("db_port", 3306) config.DB_NAME = self.config_data.get("db_name", "deepdataspace") config.DB_USER = self.config_data.get("db_user", "dds") config.DB_PASS = self.config_data.get("db_pass", "dds") def _init_redis_config(self): # init redis config config.REDIS_HOST = self.config_data.get("redis_host", "") config.REDIS_PORT = self.config_data.get("redis_port", 9900) config.REDIS_PASS = self.config_data.get("redis_pass", "") config.REDIS_DBNAME = self.config_data.get("redis_dbname", 0) config.REDIS_DIR = str(Path(config.RUNTIME_DIR, "redis")) # the dir holds all files of redis os.makedirs(config.REDIS_DIR, exist_ok=True) config.REDIS_BIN = str(Path(config.REDIS_DIR, "bin")) config.REDIS_BIN = str(Path(config.REDIS_BIN, "redis-server.exe" if IsWin else "redis-server")) config.REDIS_CONF = str(Path(config.REDIS_DIR, "redis.conf")) config.REDIS_LOG = str(Path(config.REDIS_DIR, "redis.log")) config.REDIS_PID = str(Path(config.REDIS_DIR, "")) config.REDIS_SELF_HOSTED = not bool(self.config_data.get("redis_host", None)) if config.REDIS_SELF_HOSTED: if not os.path.exists(config.REDIS_BIN): with progress_log(f"Installing redis to {config.REDIS_DIR}"): if PLATFORM == Platforms.Win: url = f"{self.dl_prefix}/redis/{self.distro}/redis-server.exe" download_by_requests(url, config.REDIS_BIN) url = f"{self.dl_prefix}/redis/{self.distro}/cygwin1.dll" download_by_requests(url, f"{config.REDIS_DIR}/bin/cygwin1.dll") else: url = f"{self.dl_prefix}/redis/{self.distro}/redis-server" download_by_requests(url, config.REDIS_BIN) if not os.path.exists(config.REDIS_CONF): generate_redis_conf(config.REDIS_CONF) setup_redis_password(config.REDIS_CONF) st = os.stat(config.REDIS_BIN) os.chmod(config.REDIS_BIN, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) config.REDIS_PASS = read_redis_password(config.REDIS_CONF) def _init_mongodb_config(self): # init mongodb config config.MONGODB_HOST = self.config_data.get("mongodb_host", "") config.MONGODB_PORT = self.config_data.get("mongodb_port", 9800) config.MONGODB_USER = self.config_data.get("mongodb_user", getpass.getuser()) config.MONGODB_PASS = self.config_data.get("mongodb_pass", "") config.MONGODB_DBNAME = self.config_data.get("mongodb_dbname", "dds") config.MONGODB_DIR = str(Path(config.RUNTIME_DIR, "mongodb")) os.makedirs(config.MONGODB_DIR, exist_ok=True) config.MONGODB_BIN = str(Path(config.MONGODB_DIR, "bin")) config.MONGODB_BIN = str(Path(config.MONGODB_BIN, "mongod.exe" if IsWin else "mongod")) config.MONGODB_CONF = str(Path(config.MONGODB_DIR, "mongo.conf.yaml")) config.MONGODB_LOG = str(Path(config.MONGODB_DIR, "mongo.log")) config.MONGODB_PID = str(Path(config.MONGODB_DIR, "")) config.MONGODB_DBDIR = str(Path(config.MONGODB_DIR, "db")) # install mongodb config.MONGODB_SELF_HOSTED = not bool(self.config_data.get("mongodb_host", None)) if config.MONGODB_SELF_HOSTED: if not os.path.exists(config.MONGODB_BIN): with progress_log(f"Installing mongodb to {config.MONGODB_DIR}"): url = f"{self.dl_prefix}/mongodb/{self.distro}/mongod" url += ".exe" if PLATFORM == Platforms.Win else "" download_by_requests(url, config.MONGODB_BIN) if not os.path.exists(config.MONGODB_CONF): generate_mongodb_conf(config.MONGODB_CONF) setup_mongodb_password(config.MONGODB_CONF) st = os.stat(config.MONGODB_BIN) os.chmod(config.MONGODB_BIN, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) config.MONGODB_PASS = read_mongodb_password(config.MONGODB_CONF) def _init_django_config(self): # init django config config.DJANGO_HOST = config.DJANGO_PORT = self.port config.DJANGO_RELOAD = self.reload config.DJANGO_DIR = str(Path(config.RUNTIME_DIR, "django")) os.makedirs(config.DJANGO_DIR, exist_ok=True) config.DJANGO_LOG = str(Path(config.DJANGO_DIR, "django.log")) config.DJANGO_KEY_FILE = str(Path(config.DJANGO_DIR, "secret.txt")) config.DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = "deepdataspace.server.settings" django_secret = self.config_data.get("django_secret", None) if not django_secret: if os.path.exists(config.DJANGO_KEY_FILE): with open(config.DJANGO_KEY_FILE, "r", encoding="utf8") as fp: django_secret = else: django_secret = gen_random_str(32) with open(config.DJANGO_KEY_FILE, "w", encoding="utf8") as fp: fp.write(django_secret) config.DJANGO_KEY = django_secret def _init_celery(self): # init celery config config.CELERY_DIR = str(Path(config.RUNTIME_DIR, "celery")) os.makedirs(config.CELERY_DIR, exist_ok=True) config.CELERY_LOG = str(Path(config.CELERY_DIR, "celery.log")) config.CELERY_WORKER_POOL = self.config_data.get("celery_worker_pool", "solo") def _init_shared_libs(self): # install shared lib for redis and mongodb for linux only if PLATFORM != Platforms.Linux: return if not os.path.exists(config.SHARED_SSL_LIB): url = f"{self.dl_prefix}/lib/" download_by_requests(url, config.SHARED_SSL_LIB) if not os.path.exists(config.SHARED_CRYPTO_LIB): url = f"{self.dl_prefix}/lib/" download_by_requests(url, config.SHARED_CRYPTO_LIB) if not os.path.exists(config.SHARED_CURL_LIB): url = f"{self.dl_prefix}/lib/" download_by_requests(url, config.SHARED_CURL_LIB) paths = {config.SHARED_LIB_DIR} if config.LD_LIBRARY_PATH: for path in config.LD_LIBRARY_PATH.split(":"): paths.add(path) lib_paths = find_shared_dirs_on_ubuntu() for path in lib_paths: paths.add(path) ld_library_path = ":".join(paths) config.LD_LIBRARY_PATH = ld_library_path os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = config.LD_LIBRARY_PATH def _init_sentry(self): config.SENTRY_DSN = self.config_data.get("sentry_dsn", None)
[docs] def init_envs(self): """ Init all global environments. These environments will be read by subprocesses, especially celery and django. """ # this is a new start, so remove the old env config if config.ENV_FILE and os.path.exists(config.ENV_FILE): os.remove(config.ENV_FILE) self._init_shared_files_and_dirs() self._init_database_config() self._init_redis_config() self._init_mongodb_config() self._init_django_config() self._init_celery() self._init_shared_libs() self._init_sentry() config.save_all_env()
[docs] def init(self): """ Make preparations before start the services. """ self.init_envs()
[docs] def start_db(self): self.db = SQLite() self.db.start() return self.db
[docs] def start_redis(self): self.redis = Redis() self.redis.start() return self.redis
[docs] def start_mongodb(self): self.mongodb = MongoDB() self.mongodb.start() return self.mongodb
[docs] def start_celery(self): self.celery = Celery() self.celery.start() return self.celery
[docs] def start_django(self): self.django = Django() self.django.start() return self.django
[docs] @staticmethod def close_process(pid: int): """ Close a process by pid. Try p.terminate first, then p.kill if it survives more than 1 second. """ if not psutil.pid_exists(pid): return p = psutil.Process(pid) p.terminate() time.sleep(0.4) if p.is_running(): time.sleep(0.6) try: p.kill() except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass
[docs] def close_all_started(self): """ Close all started subprocesses. """ threads = [Thread(target=self.close_process, args=(pid,)) for pid in self.running_pids.values()] [t.start() for t in threads] [t.join() for t in threads] self.running_pids = {}
[docs] def start_all(self): """ Start all services. """ atexit.register(self.close_all_started) # order matters, don't change it starters = [] if config.REDIS_SELF_HOSTED: starters.append(self.start_redis) if config.MONGODB_SELF_HOSTED: starters.append(self.start_mongodb) starters.extend([self.start_celery, self.start_django]) for starter in starters: service = starter() if not service.started: return False self.running_pids[] = return True
[docs] def greeting(self): """ Print startup messages to the console. """ host = os.environ["DDS_DJANGO_HOST"] port = os.environ["DDS_DJANGO_PORT"] if self.started is True: print(f"DDS[{os.getpid()}] is already started at http://{host}:{port}.") else: print(f"Started DDS[{os.getpid()}] at http://{host}:{port}.") print(f"The DDS tool is importing datasets inside dir in the background: {os.path.abspath(config.DATA_DIR)}.") print(f"Explore other useful commands by: ddsop --help.") if self.from_cmdline is True: print(f"You can quit the DDS tool with Ctrl+C.\n")
[docs] @staticmethod def loop(): """ Block the main process. Don't use os.waitpid, it is not Windows compatible. """ while True: time.sleep(60)
[docs] def start(self): if self.started: print(f"DDS is already started.") self.greeting() return self.prefight_checks() with progress_log("Starting DeepDataSpace(DDS)"): self.init() if self.start_all(): self.greeting() else: time.sleep(1) exit(1) self.started = True if self.from_cmdline: self.loop()
[docs] def stop(self): if not self.started: return self.close_all_started() self.started = False