Source code for


The mongodb service manager.

import os

import pymongo
from pymongo.errors import OperationFailure

from import config
from import print_if_verbose
from import Service
from import progress_log
from deepdataspace.utils.os import check_port_free
from deepdataspace.utils.os import find_free_port

[docs]class MongoDB(Service): def __init__(self): cmd_list = [ config.MONGODB_BIN, "-f", config.MONGODB_CONF, "--dbpath", config.MONGODB_DBDIR, "--logpath", config.MONGODB_LOG, "--pidfilepath", config.MONGODB_PID ] super(MongoDB, self).__init__("mongodb", cmd_list) self.port = config.MONGODB_PORT self.cmd_id = cmd_list[0] def _test_mongodb_user(self): try: url = f"mongodb://{config.MONGODB_USER}:{config.MONGODB_PASS}" url = f"{url}@{config.MONGODB_HOST}:{config.MONGODB_PORT}/{config.MONGODB_DBNAME}" client = pymongo.MongoClient(url) db = client[config.MONGODB_DBNAME] db.list_collections() except Exception as err: if isinstance(err, OperationFailure) and err.code == 18: print_if_verbose(f"user authentication failed") else: print_if_verbose(f"cannot validate user and password, err={str(err)}") return False else: return True def _setup_mongodb_user(self): try: url = f"mongodb://{config.MONGODB_HOST}:{config.MONGODB_PORT}/{config.MONGODB_DBNAME}" client = pymongo.MongoClient(url) db = client[config.MONGODB_DBNAME] db.command("createUser", config.MONGODB_USER, pwd=config.MONGODB_PASS, roles=[{"role": "readWrite", "db": config.MONGODB_DBNAME}]) except OperationFailure as err: print(f"cannot setup mongodb user, err={err}") return else: print_if_verbose(f"setup mongodb user successfully.") def _start_mongodb(self, auth: bool = False): """ Start the mongodb service, trying to bind a port from 9800 to 9899. """ db_dir = f"{config.MONGODB_DBDIR}" os.makedirs(db_dir, exist_ok=True) cmd = [ config.MONGODB_BIN, "-f", config.MONGODB_CONF, "--dbpath", config.MONGODB_DBDIR, "--logpath", config.MONGODB_LOG, "--pidfilepath", config.MONGODB_PID ] if auth is True: cmd.append("--auth") port_range = [self.port, self.port + 99] self.port = find_free_port(*port_range) while True: run_cmd = cmd[:] run_cmd.extend(["--port", str(self.port)]) try: self.start_process(run_cmd) except Exception as err: if check_port_free(self.port): print(f"failed to start mongodb, err={str(err)}") return False else: self.port = find_free_port(port_range[0], port_range[1]) if self.port is None: print(f"failed to start mongodb, no free port available in range {port_range}") return False else: config.MONGODB_PORT = self.port config.log_and_save_env("DDS_MONGODB_PORT", self.port) break return True
[docs] def start(self): if not self._start_mongodb(auth=True): return False if self._test_mongodb_user(): # user authentication failed, we have to config it now return True with progress_log(f"Setting up mongodb authentication"): if not self._start_mongodb(): # start in admin mode without auth return False if not self._setup_mongodb_user(): # config user and password in admin mode return False if not self._start_mongodb(auth=True): # restart with auth to make user and password effect return False return True